
Welcome to EF’s Global Leadership Summit! You’re about to be part of an international movement that brings together innovators, leaders, and advocates from all over the world to make a positive impact for generations to come.

The 2024 Global Leadership Summit will take place in Berlin, Germany and will focus on The Impact of Water on Society.

The leadership conference is for students ages 14-18.

What to expect on a Summit

It’s all about making an impact in the way that matters most to you. You’ll explore global topics to find what motivates you, combine that with your new, hands-on discovery of what matters to others, and use it all to make a difference that will last far longer than the Summit experience itself.

Thought leaders among us

Learn from experts during engaging workshops and discussions. Past Summit speakers include Al Gore, Jane Goodall, Sir Ken Robinson, and Soledad O’Brien.

Project-based learning

Working on a small international team, you’ll use the design-thinking process to create and present solutions to a global challenge.

Change you can feel

From innovative thinking to public speaking, every moment at an EF Summit is designed to inspire growth.

Summit at a glance

The theme

Water’s role in society goes far deeper than simple hydration. From the tiniest bacteria to the largest blue whale, there isn’t a single organism on earth that can survive without it. And although water touches almost every aspect of our daily lives, have we realized its full potential? Join us at EF’s 2024 Global Leadership Summit to discover The Impact of Water on Society. Let’s dive in to better understand water’s influence on transportation, agriculture, energy, and more. Together, we’ll explore ways to harness this fundamental resource to make a bigger difference around the world.

The schedule

The leadership conference will begin in the afternoon. You’ll engage with other Summit attendees and be encouraged to step outside your comfort zone as you get to know the team you will work with over the next few days.

To start your day, dive into workshops and discussions led by experts on the Summit’s theme of The Impact of Water on Society. Consider what you’re passionate about within the realm of this topic, and use this opportunity to ask questions, explore your interests, and get creative. Throughout the day, you and a small team will work together on the design-thinking process to create innovative solutions to the Summit challenge, all while strengthening your critical thinking and collaboration skills. Design thinking is a creative problem-solving method that’s been adopted by several of the world’s leading companies, and its power is being harnessed worldwide to drive innovation. 

Spend the last day of the conference finalizing your project and collaborating with your team. Hear from more world-renowned speakers on the Summit’s theme. Then, come together with teams from all over the conference to present your project, exchange ideas, vote on the Summit challenge’s most innovative solution, and celebrate the winning project.